Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Google Alert - apple iphone

Google Blogs Alert for: apple iphone

The iPhone's Secret Blindspot
By Philip Elmer-DeWitt
There would be an official Apple iPhone wiki that all iPhone owners are immediately subscribed to for communal sorting-out of issues. There would be official Apple iPhone support forums that are directly accessible from the phone. ...
Apple 2.0 - http://blogs.business2.com/apple/

Apple iPhone v Nokia N95
By James Chang(James Chang)
Honestly, the Apple iPhone is not really the latest must-have gadget. I can find lots of mobile phones that are selling in Asia and Europe that can outdo Apple's product. Yes, iPhone just stands out, but c'mon, it's like an over-sized ...
Through the Magnifying Glass - http://blog.case.edu/james.chang/

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