Saturday, August 18, 2007

Google Alert - Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows Review

Google News Alert for: Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows Review

Book Review: Collins English Dictionary, 9th Edition - Aurora,OH,USA
My ten year old logophile was reading this in preference to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, so I know it must be good. Mind you, he's now finished ...
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Google Blogs Alert for: Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows Review

Comment by ddg on Book Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly ...
... maybe you have to destroy the actual soul fragment and whatever contains the horcrux. in this case, it would be harry dying. since harry didn't die, the soul fragment may not have been destroyed. and how do you know that lupin was ...
Blogcritics Comments -

Regina Doman on Deathly Hallows
By John
Rowling's books by the Pope was a watershed event in keeping Harry off many parishes' unofficial but very real list of Proscribed Books, has written an intensely personal review of Deathly Hallows for Sean Dailey of the Blue Boar weBlog ... -

Blogs of the week
By Multiple Authors(Multiple Authors)
At last, someone who's just as indifferent about Harry Potter as I am. Janice Harayda's characteristically laconic one-minute review of the Deathly Hallows is a welcome contrast to the manufactured love it or hate it media furore. ...
Telegraph Blogs -

Deathly Hallows part 7
By sarahk
This is my review and in-depth (major depth) analysis of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. There is much to say, so let us continue. I'm going straight through (and telling you my thoughts as I read the book, plus while going back ...
mountaineer musings -

books to read by the pool
By nicholas gill
JK Rowling - Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows. At first I did think they were kids books. Then I read the first few on holiday last year and became hooked. And I managed to be patient while my wife finished reading it before I started ...
[bluurb] stuff and things -

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