Google Blogs Alert for: Mumbai Terrror attacks
Comment on Middle East: Shock and Anger at Mumbai Terror Attacks ... By bbd IMRAN - YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS MAN - THERE ARE NO TERRORIST CAMPS IN PAK? What are you smoking man? wake up and smell the coffee. USA IS ATTACKING YOU IN YOUR OWN COUNTRY AND YOUR LEADERS JUST STAND LIKE IMPOTENT IDIOTS. ... Comments for Global Voices Online - |
Mumbai Terror Attacks Highlight India's Social Inequalities By Charles Lemos The co-ordinated attacks on Mumbai provoked a wave of international sympathy and solidarity, but devastating bombings in the same city two years ago received a fraction of the attention. Al Jazeera's Todd Baer reports from Mumbai, ... By The Fault - |
Does India Want WAR? Are We UNITED for it? By Fahad Fazal Elahi(Fahad Fazal Elahi) Indian Voilated Pakistan Airspace on Kashmir and Lahore Borders. Mumbai Terror Attacks aftermath - |
Arundhati Roy on the Mumbai Attacks By Fahad(Fahad) This in a country with a shadowy history of suspicious terror attacks, murky investigations, and fake "encounters". This in a country that boasts of the highest number of custodial deaths in the world and yet refuses to ratify the ... Fahad - |
Pervez Hoodbhoy on Mumbai By Riaz Haq(Riaz Haq) Now, pointing to the RSS hand in the Samjhota Express bombing, they are alternately ascribing the Mumbai attacks to radical Hindus, and to Jews and Americans. It is sad to see intelligent persons losing their marbles. ... Haq's Musings - |
The Aftermath of the Mumbai blasts By jasleen(jasleen) ( On November 26, the city of Mumbai was terror struck for almost two days and the fear and grief of these attacks still lingers along the roads of the city. ... Blog for Online production - |
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