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FW: WordTips for 10 May 2003

-----Original Message-----
From: WordTips []
Sent: Saturday, May 10, 2003 12:10 PM
Subject: WordTips for 10 May 2003

WordTips for 10 May 2003 Copyright 2003 by DCI

In This Issue...
* Locking the Position of Custom Toolbars
* Making Bookmarks Bold
* Changing the Footnote Separator
* Getting User Input in a Dialog Box
Help Wanted
* Clip Gallery in a Word 2002 World
* Default WordArt Font
Publisher and Copyright Information
Important Links
Subscription Information

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If you have an idea for a tip, send it our way. You can e-mail the
suggestion to Any tips contributed will be credited in the
issue in which they appear.

Locking the Position of Custom Toolbars
If you have developed custom toolbars in Word, you may have noticed a
problem with them. Do they "move around," meaning that they are in different
places every time you start Word? If this is the case, you may be wondering
how to make the toolbars stay put, exactly where you want them to be.

The first thing to understand is that positioning information for toolbars
is maintained by Word in the
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\9.0\Word\Data Registry key.
(Actually, the 9.0 portion of the key changes, depending on your version.
This is for Word 2000. If you are using Word 97, it is 8.0, and it is 10.0
for Word 2002.)

Whenever you exit Word, the toolbar positions are written into the Registry.
Because of this, you can try these steps to permanently position the

1. Directly open the template, or the template in which
the toolbars are located. (Make sure you open the template
itself, not a document based on the template.)
2. In the template, type a character; any character will do. This
lets Word know that you have "changed" the template, so it knows
you need to save it.
3. Position the toolbars where you want them located, by default.
4. Delete the character you added in step 2.
5. Close Word, saving any changes to the template.

The next time you start Word, the toolbars should be where you want them to
be. If they aren't, you may want to exit Word and try deleting the
\Word\Data Registry key, as described earlier in this tip. When you next
start Word, the Registry key is automatically created, and you can again try
positioning the toolbars.

Another approach is to use a macro to lock the position of your toolbars.
Add the following macro to the Document New event of the template itself.

Sub LockAllVisibleToolbars()
Dim cb As CommandBar

For Each cb In CommandBars
If cb.Visible = True Then
cb.Protection = msoBarNoChangeDock + _
msoBarNoChangeVisible + _
msoBarNoCustomize + _
msoBarNoMove + _
End If
Next cb
End Sub

It is, of course, run each time a new document is created based on the
template. The macro locks the position of the toolbars and does not allow
them to be moved or customized. You can unlock the toolbars by running this

Sub UnlockAllVisibleToolbars()
Dim cb As CommandBar

For Each cb In CommandBars
If cb.Visible = True Then
If cb.Name = ("Task Pane") Then
cb.Protection = msoBarNoCustomize
cb.Protection = msoBarNoProtection
End If
End If
Next cb
End Sub

(Thanks to Knut Torgersen, Phil Rabichow, and Neman Syed for contributing to
this tip.)

Making Bookmarks Bold
If you have quite a few bookmarks in your documents, you may want to
highlight them, perhaps by making them bold, so that you can see them
better. Word provides a direct way to highlight bookmarks, all you need to
do is choose Tools | Options | View tab, and then make sure the Bookmarks
check box is selected. This results in bookmarks being surrounded by
[brackets]. These don't print, but only appear on-screen.

If you actually want to make the bookmarks bold, one approach is to create a
special character style to be used for bookmarks. You could set the style to
be bold, and then apply it to all your bookmarked text.

You can also use a macro to make your bookmarks bold. The following macro
will step through each bookmark in a document, and make its text

Sub BookMarks2Bold()
Dim bm As Bookmark
Dim tx As Range

Set tx = ActiveDocument.StoryRanges(wdMainTextStory)
For Each bm In tx.Bookmarks
bm.Range.Bold = True
End Sub

If you later want to turn off the bold attribute for bookmarks, you can do
so by changing True to False in the line that actually does the property

(Thanks to Henn Sarv, Knut Torgersen, Claus Henriksen, Carol Guncheon,
Bonnie McKinnon, Donna Miller, Les Landau, Neman Syed, and David G.
Lett for contributing to this tip.)

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know about? Advertising in WordTips is a cost-effective way to let
thousands of serious Word users know about you. For more info,
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Changing the Footnote Separator
If you are using footnotes in Word, you have control over where they appear
in your document. In other issues of WordTips you learned that you can place
them at the end of the text on a page, or at the bottom of the page itself.
Regardless of the placement, Word can print a separator between your main
document text and the footnotes. The default separator is a solid line, but
you can either change or delete the footnote separator, as desired.

To change the footnote separator, follow these steps:

1. Make sure you are viewing your document in Normal view.
2. Select Footnotes from the View menu.
3. If you are using Word 2000 or Word 2002, and you have both
footnotes and endnotes defined in your document, Word displays
the View Footnotes dialog box. Click on the View Footnote Area
radio button and then click on OK.
4. Using the Notes drop-down list at the top of the Footnotes
window, choose Footnote Separator. Word displays the current
separator in the window.
5. Change or delete the separator, as desired.
6. When you are satisfied with the appearance of the separator,
click on Close.

Getting User Input in a Dialog Box
If you need to get input from a user under control of a macro, one method
you can use is to employ the InputBox function. This function displays a
dialog box and allows the user to type a response. The result is a string,
returned to your macro, which you can then process and use.

The syntax for the InputBox function is as follows:

sMyString = InputBox(sPrompt, sTitle, sDefault)

There are three parameters you can use with InputBox, although only the
first one is absolutely required. In this syntax, sPrompt is the text you
want displayed as the user prompt, sTitle is the text to display in the
title bar of the dialog box, and sDefault is the default text string offered
to the user in the dialog box. The user can edit or accept the default
string, as desired.

As an example, the following code lines can be used to display a dialog box
and ask the user for his or her name:

sPrompt = "Please check your name and make any corrections"
sTitle = "Name Entry"
sDefault = "John Doe"
sUserName = InputBox(sPrompt, sTitle, sDefault)

Step up to the PROFESSIONAL version of WordTips--WordTips Premium.
This week WordTips Premium subscribers also learned about:

* Jumping to a Relative Footnote
* Controlling Sorting Order
* Indexing a Range of Pages
* Finding a Cell Reference

Each weekly newsletter is in professional PDF layout, and presents DOUBLE
THE TIPS (Premium subscribers see articles you won't in regular
WordTips) with great, useful graphics. Plus, WordTips Premium subscribers
get valuable money-saving benefits. For more information, (including a
sample issue) visit the following Web page:

This section is for those having problems making Word behave. Having a
problem you want to see addressed? Send it to
Do you have an answer to the problems below? Send your answer to (all responses become the sole property of DCI and
can be used in any way deemed appropriate). If your response is used in a
future issue, you will be credited for your contribution to the answer.

Clip Gallery in a Word 2002 World
Does anyone else find the Clip Organizer in Office 2002 disappointing?
I've got lots of clips from Office 2000, all catalogued by Clip Gallery,
that I now find incompatible with Clip Organizer. I find it unbelievable
that Microsoft has not provided a conversion facility for all the Clip
Gallery Media Catalogs. Does anyone know of a source for such a program?
Failing that, is there any way I can persuade Clip Gallery to open in Word
2002, a macro perhaps? (Mark S Baines)

Default WordArt Font
Is there any way to change the default font of a WordArt style? The WordArt
style I use most often defaults to the Arial Black font and I am constantly
changing it to the font I prefer. (Mark Lushenko)

WordTips (ISSN 1522-3744) is published weekly by Discovery Computing Inc.
(DCI), PO Box 2145, Mesa, AZ 85214. WordTips is a trademark of DCI.
Copyright 2003 by DCI, All Rights Reserved. All broadcast, publication, or
retransmission is strictly prohibited without prior written permission from
the publisher. Full information on distribution rights can be found in the
WordTips FAQ at the WordTips Web page.


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