Thursday, July 5, 2007

FW: WordTips for 3 May 2003

-----Original Message-----
From: WordTips []
Sent: Saturday, May 03, 2003 4:00 PM
Subject: WordTips for 3 May 2003

WordTips for 3 May 2003 Copyright 2003 by DCI

In This Issue...
Publisher's Notes
* Non-Printing Hyperlinks
* Jumping to Styles in the Task Pane
* Jumping to a Relative Endnote
* Changing the Way Endnotes Are Numbered
Help Wanted
* Locking the Position of Custom Toolbars
* Making Bookmarks Bold
Publisher and Copyright Information
Important Links
Subscription Information

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If you have an idea for a tip, send it our way. You can e-mail the
suggestion to Any tips contributed will be credited in the
issue in which they appear.

Non-Printing Hyperlinks
Subscriber Karen Carter reported a problem she was having getting hyperlinks
to print on her home computer under Word 2000. The same document would print
fine on her system at work (also Word 2000), but not on her home system.

There are two possible answers to this problem. First, there may be a
difference between the printers at work and home. If the home computer uses
a color printer, then the hyperlinks may not print because of something as
simple as being out of the proper ink color to print the hyperlinks. The
same thing may actually print at work because the printer is not out of ink,
or the color output is being translated to black and white.

If the ink is OK on the home computer, then check to make sure that the
print settings are the same on the home computer as they are on the work
computer. Choose Options from the Tools menu, then click on the Print tab.
If the settings are the same on the home system as they are on the work
system, then Word should be creating the print job in a consistent manner
across both systems.

Finally, check your printer-specific settings to make sure there is nothing
there that would affect the printing of either hyperlinks or text that is
formatted the same color as your hyperlinks. Choose Print from the File menu
to display the Print dialog box. With your printer selected at the top of
the dialog box, click on the Properties button.
You may have to do some exploring in the dialog box, but this is where you
control the nitty-gritty of how your printer actually prints what it
receives from Word.

(Thanks to Richard Soans and Ed Lowell for contributing to this tip.)

Jumping to Styles in the Task Pane
Word 2002 introduced the concept of the "task pane" to Word. This area
appears at the right side of your Word program window, and provides an area
where you can quickly access task-related information. One use of the task
pane is related to formatting. If you choose Styles and Formatting from the
Format menu, Word displays a myriad of formatting choices--most of them
style-related--in the Styles and Formatting task pane.

To those familiar with older versions of Word, the Styles and Formatting
task pane essentially replaces the Style dialog box, which was accessible
when you chose Style from the Format menu. There is an interesting
difference, however. In the Style dialog box, you could press the first
letter of any style's name, and that style would then be selected in the
Styles list. Not so in the Styles and Formatting task pane; here you are
required to use the mouse to display and select the style you want to use or
modify. Unfortunately, there seems to be no way around this change.

There is a different approach you can take, however, if all you want to do
is apply a style. The Style drop-down list on the Formatting toolbar still
allows you to press the first letter of a style name to jump to a style. All
you need to do is click on the Style list's drop-down arrow (to display the
style list) and then type a letter.

(Thanks to Kathy Visser, Mary F. Padilla, and Shari McMahon.)

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thousands of serious Word users know about you. For more info,
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Jumping to a Relative Endnote
If you are using endnotes in your document, you may have a need to jump from
one endnote to another. Word makes it easy to jump to an endnote relative to
the endnote at which you are currently located.
You do this in the following manner:

1. Choose Go To from the Edit menu, or press F5. Word displays the
Go To tab of the Find and Replace dialog box.
2. In the left side of the dialog box, choose Endnote. This informs
Word what you want to go to. The Enter Page Number box is
relabeled as the Enter Endnote Number box.
3. In the Enter Endnote Number box, enter a plus or minus sign
followed by the number of endnotes you want to jump. Plus is
forward; minus is backward. For instance, you could jump
backward three endnotes by entering -3. Word changes the Next
button to a Go To button.
4. Click on the Go To button.

Changing the Way Endnotes Are Numbered
Word allows you to control how the endnotes in your document are numbered.
Normally, numbering begins at one and progresses upward. You can change both
the starting number and how numbering restarts by following these steps if
you are using Word 97 or Word 2000:

1. Select Footnote from the Insert menu. Word displays either the
Footnote and Endnote dialog box (Word 97) or the Insert Footnote
and Endnote dialog box (Word 2000).
2. Make sure the Endnote radio button is selected in the Insert
area of the dialog box.
3. Click on Options. Word displays the Note Options dialog box with
the All Endnotes tab selected.
4. Change the Start At value to reflect where you want Word to
start numbering.
5. Change the selection in the Numbering area to reflect how you
want Word to count your endnotes.
6. Click on OK to close the Note Options dialog box.
7. Click on Close; otherwise click on OK to insert an endnote mark
at the current location.

The process if you are using Word 2002 is a bit different. Follow these
steps, instead:

1. Select Reference from the Insert menu, then choose Footnote from
the submenu. Word displays the Footnote and Endnote dialog box.
2. Make sure the Endnotes radio button is selected.
3. Change the Start At value to reflect where you want Word to
start numbering.
4. Change the selection in the Numbering area to reflect how you
want Word to count your endnotes.
5. Click on Apply, then click on Cancel; otherwise click on Insert
to insert an endnote mark at the current location.

Step up to the PROFESSIONAL version of WordTips--WordTips Premium.
This week WordTips Premium subscribers also learned about:

* Understanding the Organizer
* Using the Organizer to Manage Styles
* Using the Organizer to Manage Toolbars
* Using the Organizer to Manage Macros

Each weekly newsletter is in professional PDF layout, and presents DOUBLE
THE TIPS (Premium subscribers see articles you won't in regular
WordTips) with great, useful graphics. Plus, WordTips Premium subscribers
get valuable money-saving benefits. For more information, (including a
sample issue) visit the following Web page:

This section is for those having problems making Word behave. Having a
problem you want to see addressed? Send it to
Do you have an answer to the problems below? Send your answer to (all responses become the sole property of DCI and
can be used in any way deemed appropriate). If your response is used in a
future issue, you will be credited for your contribution to the answer.

Locking the Position of Custom Toolbars
In our corporate environment, our customized toolbars tend to float and must
be repositioned each time the user starts Word. The Standard and Formatting
toolbars have been set to display on two rows, yet the company's toolbars
(stored in a common template) still merge and float. How can I
freeze them in position? (Don Bailey)

Making Bookmarks Bold
My colleague has lots of bookmarks in her document and wants to format them
so they are bold throughout the document. Nobody knows how to do this
automatically (it is taking a long time to do it manually and will have to
be redone in a year's time). Can anyone help? (Kirsten

WordTips (ISSN 1522-3744) is published weekly by Discovery Computing Inc.
(DCI), PO Box 2145, Mesa, AZ 85214. WordTips is a trademark of DCI.
Copyright 2003 by DCI, All Rights Reserved. All broadcast, publication, or
retransmission is strictly prohibited without prior written permission from
the publisher. Full information on distribution rights can be found in the
WordTips FAQ at the WordTips Web page.


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