-----Original Message-----
From: WordTips [mailto:awyatt@dcomp.com]
Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2003 12:20 PM
To: samaruna@omantel.net.om
Subject: WordTips for 12 April 2003
WordTips for 12 April 2003 Copyright 2003 by DCI
In This Issue...
Publisher's Notes
* Counting Characters in Text Boxes
* Removing Unused Styles
* Creating Labels
* Viewing Footnotes and Endnotes
Help Wanted
* Copying Custom Properties
* The Case of the Disappearing Icons
Publisher and Copyright Information
Important Links
Subscription Information
Help support WordTips and obtain a valuable resource by
purchasing your own copies of the WordTips archives. Visit the
Web site (http://store.vitalnews.com/wtarch.html) for more info,
or send a blank e-mail to WordTips-CDs@lists.vitalnews.com.
In the good 'ole US of A, it is tax time. Tuesday, April 15, is the deadline
for citizens to file in tax returns. It is a day looked forward to by every
wage-earner in the country.
I don't want it to appear that I am "celebrating" the tax filing deadline,
but I am, nonetheless, having a "Tax Sale" on WordTips archives. You can get
any of our six archive volumes for half off their regular price.
Did I say half off? Yes--HALF OFF! Full information is found here:
Why am I doing this? Quite honestly, because it is tax time, and *I* have a
tax bill to pay. You can help me out by taking advantage of this offer. It
is a great time to round out your collection of WordTips archives.
This sale will only be in effect for one week--by next Saturday, it will be
gone. Don't miss out; place your order right now, and you can enjoy the
convenience and value of the WordTips archives.
If you have an idea for a tip, send it our way. You can e-mail the
suggestion to awyatt@dcomp.com. Any tips contributed will be credited in the
issue in which they appear.
Counting Characters in Text Boxes
If you have a document that includes text in various text boxes, you should
understand that if you do a word count (Tools | Word Count), Word does not
include the words in the text boxes in your word count.
If you want to only know the number of words in a text box, there is a way
around this: Just select the text box whose words you want to count before
you initiate the Word Count function. Word then dutifully counts only the
words in the text box, ignoring the rest of the document.
There is one time when this select-before-count technique will not work,
however. If you have multiple text boxes containing words, and those text
boxes are grouped, then the Word Count function will not recognize them as
"countable" if you select the group. In other words, to count the characters
in the text boxes that make up the group, you must first ungroup the group
and then count each text box.
Obviously, this can get tedious to do over and over again. One way around
this is to use a macro that performs these same steps for you.
The following macro, TextBoxCount, steps through all the shapes in your
document. If they are grouped, then they are automatically ungrouped. It
then executes a word count on each text box, and returns a dialog box that
indicates the number of words and characters in the text boxes
(collectively) and the number of words and characters in the entire
document, including the text boxes.
Sub TextBoxCount()
Dim lngTBWords As Long
Dim lngTBChars As Long
Dim lngDocWords As Long
Dim lngDocChars As Long
Dim shpTemp As Shape
Dim wcTemp As Dialog
Dim bDone As Boolean
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
bDone = True
For Each shpTemp In ActiveDocument.Shapes
If shpTemp.Type = msoGroup Then
bDone = False
End If
Next shpTemp
Loop Until bDone
'Get count in main document
Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory
Set wcTemp = Dialogs(wdDialogToolsWordCount)
lngDocWords = wcTemp.Words
lngDocChars = wcTemp.Characters
'Step through shapes and add counts
lngTBWords = 0
lngTBChars = 0
For Each shpTemp In ActiveDocument.Shapes
lngTBWords = lngTBWords + wcTemp.Words
lngTBChars = lngTBChars + wcTemp.Characters
Next shpTemp
lngDocWords = lngDocWords + lngTBWords
lngDocChars = lngDocChars + lngTBChars
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox Str(ActiveDocument.Shapes.Count) _
& " text boxes found with" & vbCr _
& Str(lngTBWords) & " word(s) and" & vbCr _
& Str(lngTBChars) & " characters" & vbCr & vbCr _
& " In the total document there are" & vbCr _
& Str(lngDocWords) & " word(s) and" & vbCr _
& Str(lngDocChars) & " characters"
End Sub
Remember that this macro ungroups any grouping previously done in the
document. For this reason, you may want to run the macro after saving your
document, and then discard the document (reload it from disk) after getting
your count.
(Thanks to Laszlo Gabris, Mary Padilla, and Kathy Kapsimalis for helping
with this tip.)
Removing Unused Styles
When you work with a document for a long time, or when you inherit a
document from someone else, it is very possible that it contains styles that
are no longer in use. You may want to get rid of these styles, but this can
be dangerous to the format of your document if you start deleting them
without knowing that they really are not in use.
This is where a macro comes in handy. It can quickly search through a
document to see if a particular style is used anywhere. If it isn't, then
the style can be easily deleted. The following macro, DeleteUnusedStyles,
does just that.
Sub DeleteUnusedStyles()
Dim oStyle As Style
For Each oStyle In ActiveDocument.Styles
'Only check out non-built-in styles
If oStyle.BuiltIn = False Then
With ActiveDocument.Content.Find
.Style = oStyle.NameLocal
.Execute FindText:="", Format:=True
If .Found = False Then oStyle.Delete
End With
End If
Next oStyle
End Sub
Note that the macro ignores a style if it is a built-in style. This is
because deleting a built-in style doesn't really delete it, but only resets
that style to its original, default condition. In fact, Word doesn't allow
built-in styles to be deleted from a document. Even if the built-in style is
no longer used, but was once used in the document, it will still show up in
the styles drop-down list. If this bothers you, there are additional steps
you can take to "delete" the listing of these built-in styles. These steps
can be rather involved, and are best described in Knowledge Base article
(Thanks to Margaret Berson, Neman Syed, Lutz Gentkow, Rohn Solecki, and Phil
Rabichow for contributing to this tip.)
Got a Word-related product or service you want to let others
know about? Advertising in WordTips is a cost-effective way to let
thousands of serious Word users know about you. For more info,
visit the Web site (http://www.VitalNews.com/WordTips/), or send
a blank e-mail to WordTips-Advertising@lists.vitalnews.com.
Creating Labels
Word includes a handy utility that allows you to easily create labels
containing any wording you would like. For instance, you might like to have
some labels that contain your return address, or others that serve as labels
for diskettes.
The first step in creating labels, believe it or not, doesn't even require
Word. It involves running down to your local office supply store (OK--you
can use a catalog or shop online if you want) and picking up the labels you
want to use. If you haven't looked lately, it seems there are hundreds of
different types of labels, each designed for a different purpose.
To use labels with Word, it is a good idea to either purchase Avery labels,
or look for their equivalents. The numbers assigned by Avery to their labels
have in some sense become a standard for labels. In fact, many other vendors
produce labels that use the same part numbers as Avery labels. These numbers
will come in very handy when you start using Word to create your labels.
Once you have the labels you are ready to sit down and become creative.
Simply follow these steps within Word:
1. Choose Envelopes and Labels from the Tools menu. (If you are
using Word 2002, choose Letters and Mailings from the Tools
menu, then choose Envelopes and Labels.) Word displays the
Envelopes and Labels dialog box.
2. Make sure the Labels tab is selected.
3. In the Address box, enter the text you want to appear on the
label. Regardless of what Word says, this does not have to be an
actual address, but can be any text. (If you want to use your
actual return address, you can click the Use Return Address
check box.)
4. Click once on the label in the lower-right corner of the dialog
box, or click on the Options button. Word displays the Label
Options dialog box.
5. At the top of the dialog box, specify the characteristics of the
printer you will use to create your labels.
6. If you did not get Avery labels (or labels that include an Avery
number), use the Label Products drop-down list to select who
made your labels.
7. In the Product Number list, select your label from those
provided. Notice that the labels represent the product lines of
the label manufacturer you selected in step 6.
8. Click on OK. Word closes the Label Options dialog box.
9. In the Print area at the lower-left corner of the dialog box,
specify whether you want to print an entire sheet of labels or a
single label. (If you are going to reuse this label at all, it
is much easier to print an entire sheet of the labels.)
10. If you chose to print a single label, specify the position on
the page where the single label should print.
11. If you chose to print a single label, click on Print. The dialog
box is closed and the label is printed.
12. If you chose to print a full sheet of labels in step 9 click on
New Document. Word closes the dialog box and creates an entire
document that represent what your label sheets will look like.
(You could choose Print if you wanted, but the New Document
option is much more versatile.)
13. Make any adjustments to the contents of the document. This means
you can individualize each label, change fonts, change
positioning, or do any other formatting task you want.
14. Print your document (the labels) as you normally would any other
Viewing Footnotes and Endnotes
Word implements a full-featured footnote and endnote system that allows you
total control over where and how footnotes and endnotes are printed. If you
are viewing your document in Print Layout view, the footnotes or endnotes
appear in your document the same as any other text--at the place where they
are configured to appear on the printout.
If you are viewing your document in Normal view, footnotes and endnotes are
not normally visible. Word opens the Footnotes or Endnotes window at the
bottom of the document window whenever you insert a footnote or endnote.
Most users, when they are through entering the note text, close the window
so they will be able to see more of their document at once. If you later
want to view the footnotes or endnotes window, you can use the Footnotes
option from the View menu. When you select this, the footnotes or endnotes
window will be displayed. You can then make changes to footnotes or endnotes
in the window, if you so desire.
If you have both footnotes and endnotes defined in the same document, Word
will ask you to indicate which you want to view. When you choose Footnotes
from the View menu, Word displays the View Footnotes dialog box. All you
need to do is select which one you want to view, and then click your mouse
on OK.
Once the Footnotes or Endnotes window is displayed, you can select which
type of notes are displayed in the window. You do this by using the
drop-down Footnotes control at the top of the window to select what you want
displayed. If you choose All Footnotes, then the footnotes are displayed;
choosing All Endnotes displays all the endnotes for your document.
To close the footnotes window, you can either click your mouse on the Close
button at the top of the Footnotes window, or you can again choose Footnotes
from the View menu.
Step up to the PROFESSIONAL version of WordTips--WordTips Premium.
This week WordTips Premium subscribers also learned about:
* Adjusting Column Width Using Menus
* Converting Forms to Regular Documents
* Using the Organizer to Manage AutoText
* Inserting the Date Your Document Was Last Printed
Each weekly newsletter is in professional PDF layout, and presents DOUBLE
THE TIPS (Premium subscribers see articles you won't in regular
WordTips) with great, useful graphics. Plus, WordTips Premium subscribers
get valuable money-saving benefits. For more information, (including a
sample issue) visit the following Web page:
This section is for those having problems making Word behave. Having a
problem you want to see addressed? Send it to WTHelp@VitalNews.com.
Do you have an answer to the problems below? Send your answer to
WTAnswers@VitalNews.com (all responses become the sole property of DCI and
can be used in any way deemed appropriate). If your response is used in a
future issue, you will be credited for your contribution to the answer.
Copying Custom Properties
I recently needed to copy custom properties (File | Properties | Custom tab)
from one file to another. So far I have not found a convenient way to do
this. My best solution so far, if I want File B to have the same custom
properties as File A, is to open File A, delete all its contents, and copy
the contents of File B into it. This is inconvenient, but it works except
that File B had different formatting and header/footer in the last section
and these got lost during this operation. Is there a way to copy custom
properties from document to document? (Yossi David)
The Case of the Disappearing Icons
I created three simple macros, then I created buttons on my toolbar for each
of them and created custom icons for each button. This works great on my
home desktop computer. I than copied Normal.dot to my laptop computer and
the macros and toolbar buttons copied without problems. Everything works
I than copied Normal.dot to my desktop at work. The macros copied fine and
work, but the toolbar buttons are blank. I tried recreating the icons on the
work machine, but the buttons remain blank even though the icons look
correct in the Word button editor. I tried recreating Normal.dot and using
the organizer to copy the macros into it from my laptop. However, when I
recreated the buttons on the toolbar, they still are blank as soon as I try
to create a custom button icon.
All three machines are running the same version of Word, with the same
service pack installed. Why can't I create custom icons in my toolbar on my
work computer? Where are the custom icons for toolbar buttons stored?
(Dennis Contat)
WordTips (ISSN 1522-3744) is published weekly by Discovery Computing Inc.
(DCI), PO Box 2145, Mesa, AZ 85214. WordTips is a trademark of DCI.
Copyright 2003 by DCI, All Rights Reserved. All broadcast, publication, or
retransmission is strictly prohibited without prior written permission from
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