Thursday, July 5, 2007

FW: WordTips for 6 July 2002

-----Original Message-----
From: WordTips []
Sent: Saturday, July 06, 2002 10:10 AM
Subject: WordTips for 6 July 2002

WordTips for 6 July 2002 Copyright 2002 by DCI

In This Issue...
Publisher's Notes
* Changing the Height of a Font
* Marking Multiple Documents
* Page Layout Zoom Settings
* Jumping to a Relative Page
Help Wanted
* Stopping Text From Jumping Around
* Improper Index Page Numbers
Publisher and Copyright Information
Important Links
Subscription Information

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As promised last week, the latest WordTips Archive is now available, either
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If you have an idea for a tip, send it our way. You can e-mail the
suggestion to Any tips contributed will be credited in the
issue in which they appear.

Changing the Height of a Font
Word makes it easy to change the horizontal scale of a font, by using the
Scale control on the Character Spacing tab of the Font dialog box.
Using the control changes only the horizontal scale; the vertical height of
the font remains exactly the same.

It is interesting to note that Word does not provide any corresponding
method to change the vertical scale of a font without affecting the width.
There is a way around this disparity, however: You can play with the font
size and adjust the horizontal scale negatively.

For instance, let's say that you have a text selection that is formatted
using 12-point type. Now suppose that you want your font to be 25 percent
taller, but not to have the width changed. You could follow these general

1. Select the text you want to affect.
2. Enlarge the font size to 15 points. (12 times 1.25 is 15.)
3. Display the Character Spacing tab of the Font dialog box.
4. Using the Scale control, specify a scaling of 80%. (100 divided
by 1.25 is 80.)

That's it. You now have a font that is the same width as its base font, but
is the desired height. Depending on the font, you may need to play with the
sizing just a bit to get the desired effect, but this approach should work
in all instances. Just remember that whatever you multiply the height by,
you need to divide the width by (always starting at 100%).

(Thanks to Jan-Willem Lankhaar, Andrew Ross, and David Plaut for
contributing to this tip.)

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Marking Multiple Documents
Subscriber Glenn Todd was searching for a way to "place a mark" on a
document to indicate that it had been archived. Further, there were many
such documents to mark, so a way to load them, add the mark, and save them
again was desirable.

There are many different ways that such a task can be achieved. The
differences are determined by exactly how the "mark" is placed in a
document. Obviously, the word "Archive" (or some such terminology) could be
added to a document, but that would affect the actual appearance of the
document itself, which is often undesirable.

There is a solution that doesn't involve any visible marks to the
document--use document properties. You can set a custom document property
that would indicate whether the document has been archived or not. You could
later search for the property to determine which files meet your criteria.

The following macro will load all the documents in a directory (and possibly
any subdirectories), and either create or set a custom document property
indicating that the document has been archived. In this case, the custom
property is named Archive, and it is set to a True (Yes) condition.

Public Sub SetArchive()
Dim bExists As Boolean

With Application.FileSearch
.LookIn = "C:\" ' where to search
.SearchSubFolders = True ' search the subfolders
.FileName = "*.doc" ' file pattern to match

' if more than one match, execute the following code
If .Execute() > 0 Then
For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
' Open the file
Documents.Open FileName:=.FoundFiles(i)

' Begin document changes

' See if the doc variable exists
bExists = False
For Each varItem In
If varItem.Name = "Archive" Then
bExists = True
Exit For
End If
Next varItem

If Not bExists Then
' Add and set document property
ActiveDocument.CustomDocumentProperties.Add _
Name:="Archive", LinkToContent:=False, _
Type:=msoPropertyTypeBoolean, Value:=True
'Already exists, so just set it
= True
End If

' End document changes

' Force document to be saved
ActiveDocument.Saved = False
' Save and close the current document
ActiveDocument.Close wdSaveChanges
Next i
' Could not find any DOC files
MsgBox "No files found."
End If
End With
End Sub

To use the macro, just change the directory specification in the fifth line
(starts with .LookIn) of the macro. Once it is run, the Archive property is
created and set in each of the documents. You can view the results by
loading one of the files, choosing File | Properties | Custom. The Archive
property should be visible in the dialog box.

There is one interesting thing about this macro. Notice that you must
"force" the document to be saved by setting the Saved property for the
document to False. If you don't do this, then your custom property isn't
saved. Why? Apparently Word doesn't recognize a change to a custom
property--including adding one--as a reason to save a document.
Thus, unless you force the Saved property to False, Word doesn't recognize
that any changes have occurred in the document.

If you prefer to not use the custom property approach to marking your
archive, you can make some changes to this macro to achieve the desired
results. All you need to do is replace the code between the "Begin document
changes" and "End document changes" comments with what you want done to the
document. For instance, if you want a watermark placed in the document, then
simply replace the noted code with code that creates and places the

(Thanks to Dave Nickason, Denise Nicholson, Kim Hedrich, and Paul Bartolomeu
for contributing to this tip.)

Page Layout Zoom Settings
You may have noticed that when you are using Page Layout view, Word can
change magnification levels (the zoom setting) automatically.
There are a couple of rules of thumb to remember in regards to the zoom

* If you are opening an existing document that you previously
viewed in Page Layout view, Word uses the zoom setting you were
using when last viewing the document. This is because zoom
settings are saved with the document.
* If you are opening an existing document that you have never
viewed in Page Layout view before, Word uses the zoom setting you
were last using--period. This is because there was no last zoom
setting for the document, so the last system setting was used.
* If you are opening a new document, then Word uses the zoom
setting last used for whatever document you were using.

You should note, as well, that you should check the zoom setting in your
Normal.Dot template file. This can also have an effect on newly created
files. Open Normal.Dot, set the zoom setting for Page Layout view, and then
save the file again.

Jumping to a Relative Page
Word allows you to use the Go To function to jump to a page number relative
to your current position in the document. This is done in the following way:

1. Choose the Go To option from the Edit menu, or simply press F5.
You will see the Go To tab of the Find and Replace dialog box.
2. On the left side of the dialog box, make sure that you indicate
you want to go to a page (this should be the default choice).
3. Enter either a plus or minus sign, followed by how many pages
you want to jump. Plus jumps forward; minus jumps backward.
4. Click on Go To, or press Enter.

This week WORDTIPS PREMIUM subscribers also read about:

* Context Menus, Spell Checking, and Common Tasks
* Canceling Printing
* Inserting a Sound File in Your Document
* Printing Color Separations

To get DOUBLE THE TIPS each week, along with valuable extra benefits,
upgrade to WORDTIPS PREMIUM. For more information, send a blank e-mail to or visit the following Web page:

This section is for those having problems making Word behave. Having a
problem you want to see addressed? Send it to
Do you have an answer to the problems below? Send your answer to (all responses become the sole property of DCI and
can be used in any way deemed appropriate). If your response is used in a
future issue, you will be credited for your contribution to the answer.

Stopping Text From Jumping Around
I've placed block arrows behind the text of a table with rows of fixed
width. When I nudge the arrows into the positions I want, I can only get so
far before the arrows and the text jump to new positions. So far, I've set
Wrapping Style of arrows behind text, both in Format AutoShape and with Draw
| Order | Send Behind Text. I've also unchecked the Snap To Grid checkboxes.
What else should I try?
(Deborah Ketai)

Improper Index Page Numbers
I write manuals for landlord/tenant law in Oregon. I started 22 years ago
with a WordStar format and have updated as technology moved along.
This year I decided to put in a index of words and phrases. I marked each
word or phrase in the document individually. However, when I inserted the
index at the end of the document (350 pages long), some of the page numbers
were off by one to three pages. What am I doing wrong? Any ideas? (Emily

WordTips (ISSN 1522-3744) is published weekly by Discovery Computing Inc.
(DCI), PO Box 2145, Mesa, AZ 85214. WordTips is a trademark of DCI.
Copyright 2002 by DCI, All Rights Reserved. All broadcast, publication, or
retransmission is strictly prohibited without prior written permission from
the publisher. Full information on distribution rights can be found in the
WordTips FAQ at the WordTips Web page.


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