-----Original Message-----
From: WordTips [mailto:awyatt@dcomp.com]
Sent: Saturday, May 31, 2003 12:10 PM
To: samaruna@omantel.net.om
Subject: WordTips for 31 May 2003
WordTips for 31 May 2003 Copyright 2003 by DCI
In This Issue...
Publisher's Notes
* Locating Locked Fields
* Left and Right Aligned on One Line in a Label
* Understanding Fill Effects
* Creating a Mail Merge Data File
Help Wanted
* Getting Pictures Out of Word
* Using Very Large Font Sizes
Publisher and Copyright Information
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If you have an idea for a tip, send it our way. You can e-mail the
suggestion to awyatt@dcomp.com. Any tips contributed will be credited in the
issue in which they appear.
Locating Locked Fields
Fields are very useful when working with a document--they allow you to place
"dynamic" information in your documents. Sometimes you may want a field to
remain static; to not change. You can do this by selecting the field and
press Ctrl+F11. This "locks" the field so it does not update from its
current value.
If you have a lot of fields in a document, and some of them are locked, you
may want a way to quickly find out which ones are locked.
Word has no special feature that allows you to search for locked fields, but
you can quickly create a macro that will search for them.
The following macro, FindLocked, starts at the beginning of a document and
finds locked fields. It selects each locked field, in turn, and asks you if
you want to continue searching.
Sub FindLocked()
Dim iField As Integer
Dim vResponse As Variant
For iField = 1 To ActiveDocument.Fields.Count
If ActiveDocument.Fields(iField).Locked Then
vResponse = MsgBox("Continue Searching?", vbYesNo)
If vResponse = vbNo Then Exit For
End If
Next iField
End Sub
(Thanks to David G. Lett for contributing to this tip.)
Left and Right Aligned on One Line in a Label
Word provides several different tools you can use to create labels.
When creating them, you may have a need to put both left-aligned and
right-aligned information on the same line. For instance, you may want to
put someone's account number at the right side of the same line on which
their name appears:
Mr. J. Smith S03120
The way to achieve this alignment depends, in large part, on how you are
creating the labels. If you are creating them from scratch, then there are
two approaches you can take. Perhaps the simplest way is to set a tab stop
for the account number, and then press tab after the name. You can, if you
prefer, also create a two-column, one-row table.
The name would go in the left column, and the account number in the right.
You can then align each column separately from the other.
The more common method of creating labels is, of course, to use the Mail
Merge feature of Word. Using multi-column tables with Mail Merge can be
quite frustrating. There is a simpler way, however. Follow these general
1. Using the Mail Merge Helper, create your labels as you normally
2. When creating the line that includes the name and account
number, enter the merge fields for the name, then press
Ctrl+Tab, then the field for the account number. (Pressing
Ctrl+Tab enters the actual Tab character into the label layout.)
3. When merging, choose to create a new document.
4. In the new document (the one that contains the merged labels),
press Ctrl+A to select the entire document.
5. Set a right-aligned tab stop for the account number. This will
affect the placement of the account number only, since it is the
only piece of each label that has the Tab character in front of
6. Print your document.
(Thanks to Hafizullah Chishti, Knut Torgersen, Bill Lee, Jerry Gordon,
Barbara Taylor, Ron Hatcher, Glenda Webster, E. Nora Abbott, Larry
Heimendinger, Phil Rabichow, Yossi David, Pat Reid, Tom Gutnick, Bobbie J.
Martin, Larry Guenin, Chat Chatterton, Arnie Jacobson, and Dan Oswiecinski
for contributing to this tip.)
Got a Word-related product or service you want to let others
know about? Advertising in WordTips is a cost-effective way to let
thousands of serious Word users know about you. For more info,
visit the Web site (http://www.VitalNews.com/WordTips/), or send
a blank e-mail to WordTips-Advertising@lists.vitalnews.com.
Understanding Fill Effects
Word is not a specialized graphics program, but you can apply a few fancy
effects to your drawing objects when you fill them with a color.
To see the available effects, follow these steps:
1. Select the drawing object you want to modify.
2. Click on the down-arrow next to the Fill Color tool on the
Drawing toolbar. Word displays a color menu.
3. From the color menu, click your mouse on Fill Effects. Word
displays the Fill Effects dialog box.
You can use the tools in the dialog box to change how the filling in the
drawing object is rendered. The tabs in the dialog box allow the
* Gradient. This tab is used to modify the density of the color
used in various parts of the drawing object. You should
experiment with these to get the desired effect.
* Texture. This tab displays many different surface textures you
can use to fill your drawing object. There are some great marble,
fabric, and wood textures provided with Word.
* Pattern. This tab presents many different patterns you can use in
conjunction with whatever fill color you have used. Many of the
patterns are reminiscent of the patterns you can use in designing
your Windows desktop.
* Picture. This tab allows you to pick a picture that is used to
fill your drawing object. Depending on the picture you use, this
can create some very interesting special effects.
Creating a Mail Merge Data File
If you plan on printing documents that merge information from a data file,
such as form letters, you will need to create the data file in such a way
that Word will know how to process it. This data can be in a database
program, in the Excel spreadsheet program, or directly in Word. If you are
creating a simple, one-time mail merge document, chances are good that you
will be using data that you put in a Word document.
Basically, the Word data file must have a header record and as many data
records as you desire. The header record indicates the field names to be
assigned to the fields in each record. The names in this header record
correspond to the field names used in your master document. Each field in
each data record of the file must correspond to one of the header fields.
For instance, consider the following excerpt from a data file.
title first middle last
----- ------ ------ ------
Mr. John Q. Public
Ms. Jean R. Smith
Ms. Wilma Davis
Dr. Walter T. Avery
The first record indicates the field names; it is the header record.
The other four records are the data records. Notice, also, that the third
data record does not list any data corresponding to the data field named
middle. As you create these data files, you can place the information in a
Word table so the data is easier to visualize and work with. Each record
will occupy a row of the table, and each field will occupy a cell in the
Step up to the PROFESSIONAL version of WordTips--WordTips Premium.
This week WordTips Premium subscribers also learned about:
* Beginning a Mail Merge
* Using Merge Fields
* Checking Your Data File
* Merging and Printing
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This section is for those having problems making Word behave. Having a
problem you want to see addressed? Send it to WTHelp@VitalNews.com.
Do you have an answer to the problems below? Send your answer to
WTAnswers@VitalNews.com (all responses become the sole property of DCI and
can be used in any way deemed appropriate). If your response is used in a
future issue, you will be credited for your contribution to the answer.
Getting Pictures Out of Word
I frequently receive scanned pictures in a Word document. I've asked the
senders to send these as picture attachments so I can save them to my hard
drive. But, these people say their scanners are HP OfficeJet which scans
directly to Word. I can open Word and try to edit the picture with the
document, but I can only get options to copy it, and have no place to copy
it as a picture only. Also, if it is in Word, the bytes used are
astronomical. My question is, how can I "lift" the picture out of Word and
save it as a JPG picture in its own right?
(Margaret Parks)
Using Very Large Font Sizes
I have been trying to make a notice to hang up on the wall. I wanted it to
use as large a font as possible. I specified a font size of 108 points,
which is 1-1/2 inches. The curser showed this, but the font was only 1 inch
high. Am I trying to do the impossible, or is 1 inch the limit? (Zeglar
WordTips (ISSN 1522-3744) is published weekly by Discovery Computing Inc.
(DCI), PO Box 2145, Mesa, AZ 85214. WordTips is a trademark of DCI.
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